I think I'm doing pretty well with staying positive. (I guess it's easier when I've got an entire audience on facebook reading everything I write. & I'm far too conscious about the face I show to the world. Pardon any unintentional puns, if there were any.) I think the nervous breakdown I had towards the end of 2010, after my mom died, was my way of strengthening up and preparing for everything that's going on now. I don't need to feel insane and/or break down emotionally. I've already been there and back.
On a related note, it's only recently that I've begun to realise that what was going on with me in November-ish of 2010 was a nervous breakdown. I really wasn't aware at the time, but looking back I know now. I have the scrawling, scribbled journal entries and the incoherent video diaries, from that time, to prove it.
I could typity-type all night. Or I could just end it here. Here sounds good.
Oh! Edited to add: Random pictures.

Raina and Señor Squeaky.

A boring picture of me.

A cupcake that I ate at the hospital one day.
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