So, I turned 28 on January 27th. Last year, when I turned 27 on the 27th, I told myself it would be my most magical year. At the time, I had no idea just how magical it would be. My entire 27th year was filled with both good and bad things. Hm.. a slight re-cap of last year of the good and bad things. (Some things much, much more significant than others.)
- I completed my February art project, where my goal was to write an original poem and create a collage to go along with it. A new one every day for the month. I didn't miss a single day & I'm proud of myself for that.
- & That February art project of mine led me to becoming a part of the 365 Days of Print project, where I would make a new piece of art for (almost) every day in April.
- On February 28th, I found out I was pregnant.
- My father died in March, almost exactly a year after my mom passed away in 2010.
- For the first time ever, my art was featured in (two!) art shows. And I was mentioned in a handful of online publications.
- My blog at hercoffin.net became more popular than ever. (Thanks to a couple of articles that got a lot of attention - one about DIY newspaper fingernails & one about being an INFP.) Also, Gala Darling linked to me in one of her carousel posts on her blog, which is cool to mention. But honestly, it didn't bring much traffic to my site.
- Most of my year, I just spent being pregnant & miserable & euphoric & terrified & amazed. All of those things. It was an emotional rollercoaster. Still is.
- My daughter, Raina Lauri, was born on October 21st. Little did I know what Chad, Raina, and I would be going through. We had no idea, during my pregnancy, that Raina had a heart defect. We had no idea that from December 13th onward, we would be going through so much emotional exhaustion. (That's when Raina was lifeflighted to Children's Hospital. It's now February 5th and she still isn't home. But things are looking so much better now. I'm certain that we are nearing the end of this chapter in our lives. It can only get better now because it just has to.)
I think that sums up the most important things that happened while I was 27. I've read in various places that 27 is a sort of mystical number. People tend to go through life-transformations when they turn 27. I can certainly vouch for that. My life has changed dramatically since my 27th birthday.
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