I just feel guilty about not being able to be with Raina all of the time. But I know this is an unusual circumstance. Most people don't have to experience their newly begun parenthood in this manner. .. I've been daydreaming about Raina being back at home. Real smiles, and her first giggle, and tummy time.

I'll write about this, more in depth, in a future blog entry. But I'd like to mention - and this is major - Raina had her official VSD repair surgery on Friday, January 6th. The hole in her heart is patched up now. We still have yet to find out how much the surgery will help her. In most cases, the surgery heals the child completely. And there's really not supposed to be any further problems. I pray to the universe that this will be true for Raina. But it's only been two days after surgery, so we really don't know yet. So far, she's just been resting and recovering. They have her on sedatives and happy drugs.

Before her surgery, Raina's guard puppy said he'd protect her

Prettypretty girl, the day after her surgery
Very pretty! And so alert!
: D
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