Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Have faithe, be merrie

I thought I should post a little re-cap of Christmas and New Year's Eve before it gets too terribly late to do so. (I don't want to be posting this in March, now do I? It already feels late as it is.)

On Christmas morning, I woke up uber-early and made two Christmas tree cakes on a (sort of) whim.

After my spontaneous baking spree and (mostly likely) about two cups of coffee, I woke up Chad and we went to go see Raina. I had a hunch that there would probably be some sort of gift for Raina, provided by the hospital or a charity of some kind. But I was shocked to walk in the room and see a huge bag and a stocking sitting on the chair. The nurse told us, "Santa came to visit Raina last night." I showed Raina all of her presents. A mobile, handmade blankets, rattles, clothes, toys. I thought the hospital would give her a little doll or something small for Christmas. I wasn't expecting so many gifts for her. It felt like Christmas for me too! Here is a photo that I took of Raina that day. We put a pretty bow on her head for the occasion. This is one of my most favourite pictures I've ever taken of Raina. She has the most gorgeous smile, her little proper pinkie finger is so cute, and she's just still so beautiful despite all of the circumstances.

Raina and her reindeer doll. (One of the small gifts that was in her stocking.)

Chad says I must like that photo of Raina because it's both creepy and cute. And that may be true. I think that Raina's scar gave Chad the willies at first. But I thought her scar was kind of cool! I've always loved scars and physical imperfections. (I guess it has something to do with my own scars, on my face. I was attacked by a dog when I was four years old.) Scars are this beautiful reminder of what you've been through and how you've gotten stronger from it.

Me & Chad on Christmas.

At night, Chad & I went to visit my brother and his family. We ate dinner & opened some gifts. I tried to stick the bows and ribbons from each gift in my hair. Most of the bows wouldn't stick. We also spent New Year's Eve at my brother's. We played Scattergories and drank vodka. (!!!) Did you know that Scattergories and vodka are two of my favourite things?! 'Tis true.

On New Year's Eve. (left) Me & Chad (right) Me & Dee

Oh. This is the only other picture I have to share. I got this lovely angel necklace from Chad's mom on Christmas. I love it because the necklace reminds me of my mom. She loved jewelry and collected angels. I keep wondering about my mom. And hoping that her spirit is hanging out with Raina at the hospital, when I can't be there.

So I think that about sums up my holidays. A few people have asked me what my resolutions are for 2012. I've never really been into resolutions. (Perhaps because I've always been bad at sticking to them.) And the only things I want for this year (which all coincidentally begin with H) are: for Raina to be healthy, happy, and at home!

P.S. This entry about Christmas just wouldn't be complete without Billy Corgan in a Santa hat. Okbyenow.


Anonymous said...

Raina is so beautiful, I love how in all the pictures you post she looks so happy despite everything. Blessings to her and you too <3 she is going to grow up to be an amazing little girl.

Jolene Frances said...

Aw, thank you so much <3

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